Saturday, December 29, 2018

Miracles of Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

*A story recorded by doctor S.Apraxin.
 On March 8, 1903, I was invited to Andrew Vasilievitch Vinokurov’s house. After a talk about his own illness, I was asked by the parents to see their daughter, a thirteen-year-old girl. They told me that just before Christmas, Manya, who was a pupil in a college, became ill with acute arthritis. This illness was soon complicated by chorea (an involuntary movement disorder) in its worst stage, so that the patient could neither sit, on account of a motor trouble of the tongue. She could only lie down while her body kept tossing from one side to the other on her bed.
Saint Serphim of Sarov.
After some time, this serious illness was aggravated by a still graver one-namely, endocarditic." Besides the twitching of the limbs caused by chorea, the girl began to have fits of convulsions at night. The neu­ropathologists who treated her pronounced her case very serious and warned the parents to be ready for anything. After five weeks of un­successful treatment, the parents of the girl, on the advice of a relative had recourse to God's help through His Saint, Seraphim of Sarov.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

We have received grace for grace.
Elder Ephraim of Arizona.

Archimandrite Ephraim of Philotheou.
Archimandrite Ephraim of Philotheou is an archimandrite and former abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, spiritual guide of several monasteries on Mount Athos and Greece, and the founder of several monasteries in the United States. He resides in Arizona at St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery. Elder Ephraim has been a priest-monk for almost 60 years and has served as an elder for more than 50 years. He was a disciple of Elder Joseph the Hesychast of Mount Athos and lived in monastic obedience to him for 12 years until his Elder's repose in 1959.        

        "Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One." What can I, the unworthy and filthy one, say about the grandeur of the innumerable dispensations of the Most High God!. I am astonished and unable to look directly at it as I contemplate this mystery.
How did God condescend to be an infant in a cave of irra­tional beasts?. How was He wrapped in swaddling clothes and carried in the holy arms of the holy Virgin, He Who was born by the Father without a mother!. "Great art Thou, O Lord, and wondrous are Thy deeds, and no word sufficeth to hymn Thy wonders!" "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!"
My soul shall rejoice in the Lord; I shall noetically smother with kisses that most sweet and blessed Infant, so that He may deliver me from my irrational passions.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Geronda Gregory abbot of Dochiariou Monastery.

The brethren of the Dochiariou monastery, who recently bade farewell to their Geronda Gregory (Zumis), offer this text in his memory.

Geronda Gregory (Zumis)
In October 9/21, 2018, around 10:30 pm, Gerondas Gregory , the hegumen of the Dochiariou monastery for 38 years, reposed in the Lord . The monk-ascetic, the charismatic leader, distinguished by an enlightened mind and a critical spirit, a skilled orator, loving spiritual father, renovator and new builder of the ancient monastery Dochiariou.
Geronda Gregory spiritually “grew at the feet” of Saint Amphilochius of Patmos and Saint Philotheos (Zervakos), abbot of the monastery of Longovard on Paros.
At the age of 29, he became the abbot of the “Mirtie” monastery in “Etoloakarnanii” and then the monastery of “Prusso” in “Evritania”. And, finally, since 1980, he became the hegumen of Dochiariou monastery in Mont Athos.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

From the Manger to Holiness.
Archimandrite Touma Bitar.

Archimandrite Touma Bitar.
Brothers, who is a poor person? A poor person, for us, is someone who hardly possesses anything. And who is a rich person? He is the one who possesses much. This is according to people, but according to God, poverty and wealth have a different meaning. According to the Lord God, the rich person is someone who only loves himself and the poor person is prepared to give everything he has, whether he possesses a little or a lot. The rich person is someone who loves himself and so whether he possesses a little or a lot, he is rich in what he possesses. But the poor person, who is prepared to give everything, is the one to whom the Lord God gives the kingdom of heaven.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

La Rencontre.
Mère Mariam Zacca.

Fresque  de  la  Sainte  Trinité  
au  réfectoire  du monastère Saint Jean-Baptiste, Essex.

Lors de la visite du groupe “Nepsis”, au monastère Saint Jean-Baptiste à Douma,  Liban (20-21 Novembre 2018), et sur la demande du groupe, Mère Mariam, dans une parole spirituelle,  a essayé “en parlant de l’esprit de Père “Sophrony”, de nous donner de son esprit”, selon l’expression du Métropolite Antonios El-Soury.

Père Sophrony.
Maintenant je me sens que je suis devant Père “Sophrony”. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je sais que ça fait quelques jours que je ne parviens pas à dire quelques choses. J’ai essayé d’écrire quelques lignes et puis j’ai lu mais je n’ai pas pu  me retirer, enfin j’ai dit: “c’est le cœur qui va parler de Père “Sophrony” parce que le Christ a dit : “mon enfant donnes-moi ton cœur”. Le Christ n’a pas demandé nos études, Il n’a pas demandé nos écritures, notre travail, ou l’argent qu’on a gagné… Il n’a rien demandé. Il a voulu seulement le cœur. Pour pouvoir donner le cœur on doit être né ; le petit enfant ne fait que pleurer devant sa mère pour manger, pour être nettoyé, pour dormir…
 J’ai rencontré Père “Sophrony” la première fois en 1986.