Saturday, September 29, 2018

Spiritual weapons..
Saint Nil Sorsky.

Saint Nil Sorsky.
For those who sincerely seek to repent, and who seek God in love and fear, and have Him alone before their eyes and walk according to His commandments, God will accept all of them, granting his mercy and giving them His grace and glorifying them. Thus all of Holy Scripture assures us of this.
In ancient times many Fathers themselves walked in this exem­plary way of life and, directed others accordingly. But now it is not the same, due to a great lack of such spiritual directors. But whoever dedicates himself completely to the work of God, God's very own grace will wisely guide him, being his strength now and for all ages, in the life to come.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sainte Thècle, modèle de virginité.
Saint Ambroise.

Saint Ambroise.

“Thècle” apprenne les vierges à s’offrir en sacrifice. Fuyant les liens du mariage, condamnée par la fureur de son fiancé, elle changea la nature même des bêtes féroces qui respectèrent sa virginité. Livrée aux bêtes, celle qui se dérobait aux regards mêmes des hommes s’exposait à un lion féroce, et contraignit ceux qui jetaient sur elle des regards impudiques à les changer en regards de pudeur.
On put voir, en effet, la bête se coucher à terre, lui lécher les pieds, témoignant en un langage muet qu'elle ne pouvait porter atteinte au corps sacré d'une vierge. Le fauve donc se prosternait devant sa proie, et, oublieux de son propre naturel, revêtait la nature que les hommes avaient rejetée.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Power of the Holy Cross.
Metropolitan Gerasimos of Belmont,California.

Mosaic of the Holy Cross, Ravenna, Italy.
I would like to reflect briefly on a few themes found in the Veneration of the Holy Cross. 
          The Cross is truly like the tree spoken of in the first psalm: planted besides running waters, it produces fruit in due season. How does it produce its fruit?. Where Adam snatched at equality with God and seized the forbidden fruit in Eden, the New Adam, the Son of God, willingly laid aside his glory and became obedient even unto death, to death on the Cross. In the same hour of the Office of Readings for Holy Saturday, we listen to these words addressed to us by Christ taken from an ancient homily:
           « See my hands, nailed firmly to a tree, for you who once wickedly stretched out your hand to a tree. I slept on the cross and a sword pierced my side for you who slept in paradise and brought forth Eve from your side. My side has healed the pain in yours. My sleep will rouse you from your sleep in hell. The sword that pierced me has sheathed the sword that was turned against you”.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

La Vierge Marie
Saint Jean de Cronstadt.

Saint Jean de Crostadt.
Qui a été élevée Mère de Dieu au-dessus de toutes les créatures ?. "Parce qu'il a jeté les yeux sur la bassesse de sa servante, car voici désormais, toutes les générations me diront bienheureuses" (Luc 1, 48). Et elle plus que tout autre, a essayé d'acquérir l'humilité. Dieu donne la grâce aux humbles, tandis que le fier s'oppose à la grâce.  

La Vierge Marie est en vie aujourd'hui. Et non seulement elle vit, mais anime et guérit les âmes.
Sainte Vierge Mère de Dieu !.. En raison du Corps et du Sang de ton Fils, j'ose dire que j'ai affinité avec toi !.. Ô Vierge Sainte !.. Le Fils de Dieu est le Corps et le Sang. Le Corps et le Sang du Seigneur sont dans la Maison du Seigneur dans les cieux. Comment puis-je ne pas vous aimer, et votre Fils aussi, votre propre Fils et mon propre Dieu ?!. Ô Vierge Sainte !.. Donnez-moi affinité avec vous, non seulement à cause du Corps et du Sang du Christ, Faites moi approcher votre propre degré de foi, d'amour et d'espoir, de vous ressembler dans mes pensées et mes sentiments. Ô Vierge Sainte !. J'ai grand besoin que vous m'obteniez un corps pur !. Tout pour Vous, être fort, béni. Vous pouvez tout demander à votre Fils et Dieu, où vit un cœur pur, la foi, l'espérance et l'amour.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Antiochian testimonies.
Father “Amphilochios Makris”.

Saint Amphilochios Makris.
 From the prologue of the Arabic version of the book “Our Geronda: The Life and Miracles of the Late Elder of Patmos, Amphilochios Makris”, (2001)

*Metropolitan Georges Khodr.
I would like to quote father “Amphilokhios” in the following 4 phrases: “Every Holy Liturgy is new”, "I am the son of the Church and I cannot give myself a break”, “whenever you see a spiritually exhausted person, don’t overburden him”, “Ask God’s forgiveness for I have given you nothing”.
Metropolitan Georges Khodr.
I had the chance to know the man. I met him in Patmos where Saint John saw his “revelation”. The light in his face was exactly the one described in this book, and this light was much more expressive than the words we exchanged. After all, words were not my aim. I wanted to go on pilgrimage to the place where the “Revelation” was given to Saint John. That great monk came across as one of those who lived for “the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus”. One of those who didn’t leave their first love, or one of the 24 elders who where kneeling “before the One seated on the throne”. A meek and humble monk, whose raso’s tail touched the floor’s dust and was made for him in the shape of a Cross. He considered himself as nothing, but considered greatly  contemplating in the face of  “the lamb slain from the foundation of the world”.