Saturday, February 27, 2021

En quoi consiste le péché.?!.
Le Métropolite Anthony Bloom.


Le Métropolite Anthony Bloom.
    La confession, celle dont nous parlons aujourd'hui, consiste à revenir à la vie: pas juste se laver, prendre une douche et sentir que le passé n'est plus; non – nous parlons maintenant de réconciliation. Pas une simple réconciliation avec sa conscience: « Je ne suis plus le même, je ne veux plus de ça et je ne le ferai plus!» – une réconciliation avec Dieu, que nous avons trahi, que nous avons abandonné pour nous choisir un autre maître, un autre pasteur.  Se débarrasser des anciens péchés pour faire de la place aux nouveaux.

Prendre pour thème de discussion la confession avec des personnes qui sont nées et qui ont été éduquées dans l'Église, pourrait sembler complètement inutile. D'un autre côté quand on constate jusqu'à quel point certaines confessions peuvent être stériles (je parle ici des vôtres comme des miennes), il apparaît encore une fois nécessaire de se poser la question: qu'est que la confession ? Pourquoi nous confesser, à quoi cela nous oblige-t-il, et où cela peut-il nous mener ?

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Orthodox Youth Movement.
Father Elias Morcos.

             This article was originally published in the magazine “Lumière” in 1944.

by Marcel Morcos [the future Archimandrite Elias]


Taking Stock.


Father Elias Morcos.

It is good, from time to time, to take stock of things, to stop for a moment, in the shade and in solitude... and to look backwards towards the fog of our yesterdays, this past that we have made with our own hands, and then to turn back forward towards that mysterious horizon where our tomorrows are hidden, our future that we will also make with our own hands.

 The Orthodox Youth Movement includes several hundred members grouped together in all corners of Syria and Lebanon. Sections have been meeting for two years and this tireless regularity is not a small thing.... An office and study groups, conferences and bulletins, general and public meetings, church music and choral meetings, sponsorship and family assistance.... sermons and scholarly work...

 The gear seems to be well-organized, well-oiled... And we are not always unknown. Our existence is necessary for all-- this is a blinding reality. We could justly be proud of this!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Bless My Enemies O Lord.
Saint Nikolai Velimirovich.


          Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.

Enemies have driven me into your embrace more than friends have.

Friends have bound me to earth, enemies have loosed me from earth and have demolished all my aspirations in the world.

Enemies have made me a stranger in worldly realms and an extraneous inhabitant of the world. Just as a hunted animal finds safer shelter than an unhunted animal does, so have I, persecuted by enemies, found the safest sanctuary, having ensconced myself beneath your tabernacle, where neither friends nor enemies can slay my soul.

Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.

They, rather than I, have confessed my sins before the world.

They have punished me, whenever I have hesitated to punish myself.

They have tormented me, whenever I have tried to flee torments.

They have scolded me, whenever I have flattered myself.

They have spat upon me, whenever I have filled myself with arrogance.

Bless my enemies, O Lord, Even I bless them and do not curse them.

Whenever I have made myself wise, they have called me foolish.

Whenever I have made myself mighty, they have mocked me as though I were a dwarf.

Whenever I have wanted to lead people, they have shoved me into the background.

Whenever I have rushed to enrich myself, they have prevented me with an iron hand.

Whenever I thought that I would sleep peacefully, they have wakened me from sleep.

Whenever I have tried to build a home for a long and tranquil life, they have demolished it and driven me out.

Truly, enemies have cut me loose from the world and have stretched out my hands to the hem of your garment.

Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.

Bless them and multiply them; multiply them and make them even more bitterly against me:

so that my fleeing to You may have no return;

so that all hope in men may be scattered like cobwebs;

so that absolute serenity may begin to reign in my soul;

so that my heart may become the grave of my two evil twins, arrogance and anger;

so that I might amass all my treasure in heaven;

ah, so that I may for once be freed from self-deception, which has entangled me in the dreadful web of illusory life.

Enemies have taught me to know what hardly anyone knows, that a person has no enemies in the world except himself.

One hates his enemies only when he fails to realize that they are not enemies, but cruel friends.

It is truly difficult for me to say who has done me more good and who has done me more evil in the world: friends or enemies.

Therefore bless, O Lord, both my friends and enemies.

A slave curses enemies, for he does not understand. But a son blesses them, for he understands.

For a son knows that his enemies cannot touch his life.

Therefore he freely steps among them and prays to God for them.




Prayers by the Lake by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich, published by the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of New Gracanica, 1999.


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Suivre le Christ.
Saint Sophrony l’Athonite.


Fresque de la Présentation du Seigneur au temple.
Osios Loukas. Grèce.

Avec notre Dieu, tout est "à l'envers", "sens dessus dessous": la manière de penser du monde ne s'applique pas à la vie chrétienne.

Plus nous sommes attentifs à tout ce qui traverse notre esprit et pénètre dans notre cœur, mieux il nous faut connaître la voie menant à l'entrée du "sanctuaire de Dieu". Or, plus nous sommes attentifs, et plus nous avons l'impression que non seulement nous ne progressons pas spirituellement, mais que, bien au contraire, nous devenons toujours pires.

Quel paradoxe.!.. Plus grand est notre progrès, et plus nous sommes conscients de notre nullité. Ainsi, nous ne voyons pas de progrès dans notre vie ici: les années passent, et l'on se voit toujours le même, encore pire qu'avant.!.. Voilà pourquoi il nous faut connaître la voie jusqu'au bout.

Il y a dans ce livre génial, "Klimax" (L'Echelle), de saint Jean Climaque, un passage que je voudrais vous faire lire.Il s'agit d'un extrait de la Lettre au Pasteur.

"C'est de force spirituelle, vénérable Père, que nous avons besoin avant tout, afin que nous puissions prendre par la main et délivrer de la foule des pensées ceux que nous avons essayé d'introduire dans le Saint des Saints, et à qui nous avons entrepris de montrer le Christ reposant sur la Table mystique et sacrée, quand nous les verrons tourmentés et affligés par la foule des pensées qui veulent les arrêter, surtout quand ils sont sur le seuil, devant l'entrée.