Saturday, November 3, 2018

On The Holy Angels.
Mother Gavrilia Papayanni.

Mother Gavrilia.
Mother Gavrilia: The Angels are always ready to help us. I have seen it happen with my eyes, with the eyes of my mind - even at the most difficult moments ... When I was in India, jackals, a whole pack of jackals, with their eyes glowing in the dark, rushed in my direction in the jungle forest and God made me invisible to them, as if I didn't exist. Wasn't that protection by the Angels?. What do you think?. After such adven­tures nothing frightens me ... And something else too. When we have love in our heart, the Angels become our best «colleagues». They are the ones to come when, at times we ask ourselves: "Where am I to go now?. What shall I find there"?.
I travelled a lot in my life and hap­pened to move from one place to another, without any material security, but always with the protection of the Angels. I used to say, as I still do: "I am going from something good to something better". Always gladly, even if it meant something worse or physically harder. Because I know that it is in God's Plan. This is what you should do all the time, my child. No matter where you are. No matter who is near you. No matter who offends you or upsets you. No matter who loves you. EVERYTHING that happens is in God's Plan, and because of that you will love it...
Q: Mother, I have noticed that you give to everyone what he needs: love, help, comfort and much more. At the same time I have realized that there is something like a protection, like a distance, that preven­ts anyone or anything from harming you or...
Mother Gavrilia: Yes. Although I believe that I am not the one protecting myself...
Q: ... but the Angels, as you say!.
Mother Gavrilia: It is the «Encompass us ... » Still, the «distance» you have men­tioned is true. Do you know why?. When we are with God, we have no «problems», neither «psychological» nor any other «personal problems». We solve them with the Holy Bible, with our Spiritual Guide, with the Writings of the Fathers, with Christ Himself Who tells us: «Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest» ... When man reaches the point of believing so, of working so, of living so, then this «distance» you mentioned, dear, will always exist - in spite of all our love. The fact that I have no «prob­lem» to tell to the other one is what causes this «distance». I listen to the problem of the others and have only love to give them. When this happens, everyone will come to you, because people need to talk of what troubles them. You will be the one who listens - in God, always.
Q: So, are the Angels protecting us from everything?.
Mother Gavrilia: Yes. As you say, the Angels are protecting us. I have seen it happen many times. It is as if they raise a protective wall around us. We say it every evening in Compline: «Encompass us with your Holy Angels, so that guided and guarded by their Host, we may attain the unity of the Faith». Do you know how important this is?. Never to lose Faith?. To have it constantly?. I have just remembered an instance which you may consider trivial. But it did happen to me. When we reached Faran (in the Sinai Desert) everything was very nice. The small cells, all new, had door and window screens. So, the first night I went to sleep feeling very safe. I am in the desert now, I thought, and will have nothing of what I had in India - no snakes, no scorpions, no mosquitoes. Great stillness ... Then, what happened to me at daybreak?. What did I see?. The floor was covered with a carpet formed by enor­mous ants - a whole carpet!. But look at the Wonder: Around the bed, at a distance of about 50 cm., the floor was absolutely free of ants. They had left something like a margin ... I called Sister Catherine to help me. For I may have great faith and courage, but faced with an ant I felt unable to do anything!. I can neither step on it nor chase it away ... So, she came with a broom and swept them out. This happened to make me see, once again, the «I am here» of the Guardian Angel. This is how it happens with everything and everyone ...
Q:" Gerondissa, this secret voice that we «hear» many times, is it our Angel?.
Mother Gavrilia: Yes. And we must become aware of it. We must recognize it clearly. Then, little by little, God will grant us the holy power of Dis­cernment to put it into practice...
The Guardian Angel.
Q: Because every time I stop and «listen» to this «voice», it really makes me both relax and see everything clearly. It happens exactly so many times. But I hadn't noticed it in older days...
Mother Gavrilia: Be sure of that. Don't listen to the world talking of temptations and temptations and temptations again. They have reached the point where they have the Tempter instead of Christ!. So ... You will leave yourself in the Hands of God, saying «yes», «yes», «yes» ... And if it is something spiritually detrimental to you, God will make it «no». That's it.
Q: So, the Guardian Angel does exist?.
Mother Gavrilia:  Yes. He is within us.
Q: In everyone?
Mother Gavrilia: Yes. He dwells in every one of us.
Q: Is it perhaps the voice of our conscience?
Mother Gavrilia: No, it is not. Because the voice of conscience is the voice of God. This is why, even without having read much about God, we do not feel «all right» when we disobey any of His Commandments. All of us have this «feeling», all men, whether the socially developed or the so-called «primitive». It is impossible for a person to sin and not to be aware of it. Actually, many persons have told me that when they sin, they sense a taste of bitterness in their mouth as if they had swal­lowed quinine, or feel a sadness which stays with them long after­wards ... Therefore, this voice is not their own. It is the voice of God, who dwells in them. Now, the Guardian Angel is someone else ... And he has his «friends» ... For there are also other Angels protecting us - not just one ... Once, Father Elias Mastroyannopoulos spoke beautifully on the Angels, at the Monastery of Tinos. He said how willing to help us the Angels are. This is their purpose. All we have to do is call for their help and everything will become much easier than it would have been otherwise.
Q: I gather you have good relations with the Angels. Do we chase our Angels away when we ignore them?. And how can we become friends with the Angels?
Mother Gavrilia: This is a personal matter. You will find out by yourselves. A good book has been published: The Holy Liturgy - An Inter­pretation. It contains a great deal on Angels. Because, as you know, in our Liturgy Angels have a ministering part - «the Cherubim and Seraphim, with six wings and many eyes», they all attend ... The whole Sacrificial Service in the Sanctuary is performed with them...

Mother Gavrilia.The Ascetic of Love. Nun Gavrilia. (2000)