Saturday, August 28, 2021

A simple prayer.
Saint Sophrony the Athonite.


Saint Sophrony the Athonite.
I am a little afraid that you tend, like very many people, to understand prayer as standing before the icons and pronouncing formulas which have been established for centuries (morning and evening prayers or psalms and suchlike). Of course, one can get used to this form of prayer from childhood and fulfill it every day. But this is by far not enough,
and this kind of prayer generally does not exhaust the theme of prayer.

Don’t be anxious about your 'inability to concentrate' when you 'stand at prayer'. Above all keep the remembrance of God and peace in your heart. This latter is particularly im­portant for you because your heart is not strong. Watch that you do not overtax the little strength of your body unnecessarily.

In order to find the true path, it is best of all to ask God about this in prayer:

Lord, do Thou Thyself teach me all things ... Give me the joy of knowing Thy will and Thy ways ... Teach me to love Thee truly with all my being, as Thou hast commanded us ... Establish my life according as Thou didst plan for me in Thy Pre-eternal Council?' ... Yea, even for me, for Thou hast forgotten no-one, and Thou didst create no man unto perdition ... I have wasted foolishly the strength Thou gavest me, but now, before the end of my life, do Thou correct all things and Thy­self teach me all things ... that Thy will may indeed be accom­plished in my life, whether I understand it now or not yet... Leave me not to walk along alien paths, which lead to dark­ness ... but before I fall asleep in death, grant me, O Light of the World, unworthy as I am, to see Thy Light.

In such words, pray always about these matters. Some time will pass, and the power of these words will penetrate your inner being, and then life will flow on by itself just as the Lord wishes. Whereas as if we try to discern from outward things, we solve nothing.

All the purpose of our life, then, is that our mind and heart live God; that God becomes our life. That alone is what He seeks. We were created so as to live His life, and what is more, His life in all its unlimitedness. This idea can scare us, when we see our truly pitiful state, but it is so, and we must not lose our belief in this. One of the greatest dangers is to lower or diminish God's idea for mankind. All our suffering, even un­deserved suffering, is known by God. He knows and He suf­fers with us. It is essential to establish personal - almost 'human' - relations with Him ... I hope that you understand me. You understand that by this I mean interior intimate union with God. For every man is called to life in Him, that is, not only in man's highest capacity for contemplation - his spirit - but in his feelings - his soul, and even his body.

Here is another prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Only-Begotten Son of Thine Unorigi­nate Father, open the eyes of my darkened soul, that I may knowingly behold Thee, my Creator and God.

I pray Thee: cast me not away from Thy Face, but disre­garding all my vileness, all my baseness, reveal Thy light to me, O Light of the World, and grant me to know Thy love to­wards mankind.

O Sweetest Christ, Who didst send down from the Father upon Thy disciples and Apostles the Holy Spirit, send down, o Thou who art Good, the Same also upon us who are unwor­thy, and thus teach us Thy knowledge, and open unto us the paths of Thy salvation.

O God, my God, shine upon me Thy true Light, that in Thy Light I also may behold Thy Glory, as of the Only-Be­gotten of the Father, and that within me Thine incomprehen­sible likeness may be formed, after which Thou didst create man.

O God, my Saviour, the Light of my Heart and the Strength of my Soul, may Thy goodness abide in me. May I also remain without ceasing in Thee, ever bearing within me Thy Holy Spirit, that He may grant me to be like unto Thee, my only Lord, as all Thy saints were like unto Thee through­out the ages.

Yea, Lord Jesus Christ, according to Thine unfailing promise, come and make Thine abode in me, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit." { ...}







Letters to his family. Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov). (2015)