Saturday, August 3, 2019

When Thy Light shines on me.
Saint Symeon the New Theologian.

"In Thy light shall we see light".
(Theophanes the Greek. Late 14th and early 15th centuries)

I weep, I am pierced with sorrow, when the light shines on me,
that I see my poverty and that I realize where I am,
what world I live in, what mortal world, mortal myself;
and I am filled with joy, with bliss, when I understand
what condition God has bestowed upon me, what glory,
and I consider myself like an angel of the Lord
completely adorned with the immaterial garment.
Thus joy kindles my love for the Giver
and the One who transforms me, God - and
love causes streams of tears
to gush forth and makes me still more brilliant.

Listen, you who like me have sinned against God,
hasten, run, energetically, by your works,
to receive and to seize upon the matter of the immaterial fire
 - and I say: Matter, it is the Divine
Essence that I show you-,
to light the spiritual lamp of your soul,
so as to become suns which shine in the world
even if they are not seen by those who are in the world,
so as to become like gods, possessing within yourselves
the entire glory of God in two essences,
yes, in two natures, in two activities
and in two wills, as Paul cries it to us:
different indeed is the will of weak flesh,
different that of the spirit, different again that
of my soul.
However I am not triple, but double, in
as much as I am a man.
My soul is linked to my body in an inexpressible way,
nevertheless each does not seek its interest separately,
for example, drinking and eating, for example sleeping,
all that I call the earthly desires of the body.
But since, separated from the soul this will
no longer seeks for anything as such,
but dead, insensible, it is like mud.
Saint Symeon the New Theologian.
I think that man has but one will which is entirely that of the soul.
The one, therefore, who has united his own spirit
            To the Divine Spirit,
has become like to God for having received Christ
into his breast,
Christian according to Christ, since he possesses as well
within himself the formed Christ, yes, the
only One, the unseizable One,
the One who is truly inaccessible to all creatures.
- But, O immaculate Nature, hidden essence,
goodness unknowable to most men,
invisible mercy for those who live like senseless people,
unchangeable essence, indivisible, thrice holy,
simple and formless light, absolutely without composition,
incorporeal, inseparable, unseizable to all nature,
how have You shown Yourself human like me, known
to the inhabitants of darkness,
carried by the hands of Your most holy Mother
 and bound as a murderer,
how have You suffered as a criminal in Your body, O King,
wishing all the while to save me and to lead me
back again into the Paradise of glory?
This was Your plan of salvation,
this Your appearance,
this Your mercy and Your love for mankind,
which was manifested for us, O Word, for all men,
for the faithful, the unfaithful, the pagans, sinners, saints,
for Your manifestation became a sharing for all,
salvation and redemption for the living and the dead.
But that which was produced secretly in me, the prodigal,
is also accomplished partially in a conscious unconsciousness,
certainly conscious in that which concerns me,
unconscious for the other -
what language can speak of it,
what mind can explain it,
what word can express it so that my hand may write it down?
Indeed, it is an awesome thing,
Master, awesome even beyond any word,
that I see the light that the world does not possess,
that He loves me who is not within this world,
and that I love Him who has no part with visible things.
I am seated on my couch completely lost to the world.
And, being in the middle of my cell, I see Him
who is outside of the world as here present,
I see Him and I converse with Him
and, dare I then to say it!
I love Him and He loves me.
I eat, I nourish myself with only this contemplation.
And being made one with Him, I am transported above to the heavens.
That this is true and certain I know,
but where then is my body, this I do not know.
I know that He who remains immovable descends.
I know that He who is invisible appears to me.
I know that He who is separated from all creation
takes me within Himself and hides me in His arms.
And I am completely outside of the whole world.
Christ Heals the Two Blind Men on the Road to Jericho. 
Basilica di Sant’Apollinare Nuovo. Ravenna ITALY. 6th century
But I, so mortal, so insignificant in the world, contemplate in myself
completely the Creator of the world.
And I know that I will not die
because I am inside of life,
I and that I have the entire life that completely flows out from within me.
He is in my heart .
He dwells in Heaven;
both here and there He is seen by me equally dazzling.
But in what way does all of this happen?
How can I exactly comprehend it?
And how could I express all that I comprehend and see?
These are indeed indescribable things,
absolutely ineffable that eye has not seen,
that ear has not heard
and which have never entered into a heart of flesh.
Master, I give You thanks for having had pity on me;
You have granted me to see these things,
to write about them thus,
and to proclaim Your goodness for man to my companions,
so that now peoples, tribes, languages know this mystery:
that You have pity on all those who repent with fervor
like Your apostles and all Your saints,
that You fill them with blessings, with honor
and glory, my God,
because they seek You with great love and great fear
and see only You, Creator of the world,
to whom is due glory and honor, power, majesty ,
as to the King, to the God of the universe
and to the Master,
now and always, in all ages, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymns of Divine Love. Saint Symeon the New Theologian.