Saturday, February 25, 2017

On Fasting.

Saint Symeon the New Theologian.

   That one should not embrace and zealously observe the benefit of the fast only in the first week of Lent, but that the zealous must continue the same zeal in all the weeks of Lent.
The first week of lent.
   Brethren and fathers, what we are about to say we ought to have addressed to your charity last Sunday. I was aware, however, that everyone of us believers, [together with] the whole Christian people, both monks and laity, with fervent zeal accepts the blessing of fasting in the holy first week of Lent, and that each one of us willingly puts its yoke upon his neck (Sir. 51:26). Even among those who greatly despair of their own salvation and live their lives without fear and reverence for God there is no one who rejects the law of fasting in that week. Rather, as far as he is able, he joins with all in observing abstinence. So I come today to speak a few short words to you about the present season.

La voie vers le Seigneur.

Archimandrite Sophrony.

   Les commandements du Christ sont formulés en quelques brèves paroles, très simples. Mais quand nous les observons, notre esprit merveilleusement s'épanouit et ressent une soif inextinguible d'embrasser "tout ce qui est au ciel et sur la terre" (Ep 1, 10) dans l'amour qui nous a été commandé. Est-il concevable que ceux qui ont été tirés du "néant" possèdent une pareille force?. Certes, il nous est impossible d'englober tout l'univers dans notre cœur en ne nous fondant que sur nous-mêmes. Mais le Créateur de tout ce qui est, est apparu Lui-même dans notre mode d'existence; il nous a vraiment montré que notre nature a été créée capable non seulement d'étreindre le cosmos créé, mais encore de recevoir la plénitude de la vie divine. Sans Lui, nous ne pouvons rien faire (voir Jn 15, 5), mais avec Lui et en Lui tout devient accessible, non sans "douleur" toutefois. La douleur nous est nécessaire. Premièrement, pour que nous prenions conscience que nous sommes des personnes (hypostases) libres. Deuxièmement, pour que le Seigneur puisse nous donner sa vie en possession inaliénable lors du Jugement (voir Lc 16, 10-12).

Saturday, February 18, 2017

On the Joy in Christ.

Mother Gavrilia.

Frescoe in the Church of the Nativity
of the Mother of God - Saint John the Baptist
Monastery - Douma
   Question: Joy is an integral element in the life of a Christian, is it not?. When you believe in Christ aren't you always joyful?.
   Mother Gavrilia: Indeed, you are. For Christ said: "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth" ... And again... "that My joy might remain in you" ... This joy is like the Grace of God. It dwells in us. We do not wait for the other one to give us joy, since Christ gives it first.

   Question: This is what I have noticed. Though you see every day people who are sick, poor, helpless ... yet you are joyful!...
   Mother Gavrilia: Yes. Because I love with all my heart those whom I see. I link their life with my own and, at the same time, I think: If I, a mortal and a sinful person, can love them so much, how much more must God love them - God Who created them and Whose children they are. In other words: He is the first to care for them. He knows why they are sick. He knows what effect their sickness will have on their soul. He knows the reason of all things. I can neither judge nor fathom any further. So, this is what I do. I take this sick person in my heart. I make a fervent prayer, with all my love, and I place him at the Feet of Christ. That is, I say: “My Lord, give him Your Pardon, give him Your Mercy, give him Light, give him Health of body and soul. Make Your Will manifest itself in his life".

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Prière de l’aurore.

de l'Archimandrite Sophrony.
   Dieu Eternel et Créateur de toutes choses,
   Toi qui dans Ton insondable bonté,
   m’as appelé du non-être à cette vie,
   qui m’as accordé la grâce du baptême
   et de la nouvelle naissance d’En-Haut,
   qui as apposé le sceau du Saint-Esprit
   sur les membres de mon corps
   dans le sacrement de la chrismation,
   et qui m’as donné le désir de Te chercher,
   Ô Toi le seul vrai Dieu, écoute ma prière.

   Je n’ai de vie, de lumière, de joie,
   de sagesse ou de force qu’en Toi seul, Ô Dieu,
   Je n’ose lever les yeux vers Toi à cause de mon iniquité.
   Mais Tu as dis à tes disciples:  
   "Tout ce que vous demanderez avec foi dans la prière, vous le recevrez",
   et encore : "Tout ce que vous me demanderez en mon Nom Je le ferai".
   C’est pourquoi j’ose T’invoquer.
   Purifie-moi de toute souillure
   de la chair et de l’esprit,
   et apprends-moi comment Te prier.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Une rencontre avec Jean-Claude Larchet...

A Selected Letter to Saint Barsanuphius of Gaza.

Saints Barsanuphius and John of Gaza.
   Question from a brother to the Old man: "Father, I ask you to tell me how it is that the daughter of the Canaanite woman and the servant of the centurion contributed [to their faith] in order that they may be healed. Even the other paralytic only asked for bodily health, and yet he first received forgiveness of sins. Therefore, where is their contribution in this case?. The Lord, too, says to the apostles: "Whatever you loose on this earth shall also be loosed in heaven", and: "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them". He did not say: "If they contribute". So please explain this to me". Response:
   Brother, affliction comes to those who do not understand how things are. For the daughter of the Canaanite woman and the servant of the centurion had lost their minds: the first from madness, the second from the danger of the illness. So they were unable to contribute to the faith of those who were pray­ing for them.