Dear Mother Mariam: Is it correct to say: “my Gosh” instead of “my God”. I thought this is what the atheist want us to do, which is not to mention the name of God. Yet I was told by the priest that we should say: “Gosh” instead. This point confuses me. Thank you... (Maria).
Oh Lord God of all creation!!! How can we not cry out Your Name, when we are troubled in our souls, or have fallen down from our belief in error, if we are perplexed or tired?!.
Oh God Lord… Oh Jesus Christ… Oh Heavenly King… Listen to my supplications!!... This is and was the cry of all prophets, saints and real believers!!.
Modernism does not fit here!!.
Go on Maria calling in our traditional call from the deep depths of your soul and be sure, He will listen and answer you…
God Bless and Protect you.
Mother Mariam.